Saydineniye Bul. No 62 Haskovo Bulgaristan +359 89 588 61 90

Protection of Personal Data

What is KVKK?

The Law on the Protection of Personal Data (KVKK) was adopted by the Turkish Grand National Assembly on 24.03.2016 and entered into force after being published in the Official Gazette dated 07.04.2016 and numbered 29677.

The Law is based on the compliance of all data processing persons and institutions within the framework of the basic objectives such as ensuring and protecting the confidentiality of personal data and preventing unauthorized use. Our Company, like all organizations, is obliged to comply with this Law and personal data processed in all processes of our Company are within this scope.

What is Personal Data?

All data or data sets that make the person directly or indirectly identifiable are considered personal data. Examples include identifying information such as name, surname, place/date of birth, telephone number, curriculum vitae, photographs, voice recordings, etc. that directly belong to or are created on behalf of the person.

What is Data Processing?

Any operation performed on personal data is considered as "data processing". Therefore, archiving, storing, modifying, reorganizing, disclosing, transferring, analyzing and classifying data falls within the scope of data processing.

Who is the Data Subject / Data Subject?

One of the frequently used expressions in the Law is "data subject" or "data subject". It refers to natural persons whose personal data are processed.

Who is the Data Controller?

The data controller is the natural or legal person who determines the purposes and methods of processing personal data and is responsible for the establishment and management of the data recording system. At this point, our Company is the Data Controller in terms of the data of our customers, visitors and employees.

Who is the Data Processor?

A data processor is a natural or legal person who processes data on behalf of the data controller. These persons may also be a separate natural or legal person authorized by the data controller to process personal data.

Personal Data Protection and Destruction Policy

The Law on the Protection of Personal Data (KVKK) numbered 6698, published in the Official Gazette dated 07.04.2016 and numbered 29677, entered into force in order to legally protect the data of individuals that are inconvenient for third parties to obtain in order to ensure the privacy of their private lives. Our Company, like all institutions, is subject to this law and all data processed in all business processes carried out are evaluated within this scope and accepted as personal data and protected in accordance with the law.

EFOR 2022 BULGARIA, In this sense, the Company takes utmost care and takes all necessary administrative and technical measures for the implementation of the written policies it has put into effect in order to fully fulfill the legal obligations it has undertaken.

Personal Data Protection Law Application Form

The Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698, published in the Official Gazette dated 07.04.2016 and numbered 29677, has entered into force in order to legally protect the data of individuals that are inconvenient for third parties to obtain in order to ensure the privacy of their private lives. Our Company, like all institutions, is subject to this law, and all data processed in all business processes carried out are evaluated within this scope and accepted as personal data and protected in accordance with the law.

Pursuant to the LPPD, certain rights are granted to data subjects and the applications to be made in order to exercise these rights must be submitted to our company in writing and by the methods specified below.

In this context, the applications to be made to our Company "in writing" shall be made by printing out this form;
It must be delivered to our Company by the applicant in person, through a Notary Public, by signing with a "secure electronic signature" as defined by the Electronic Signature Law No. 5070, via e-mail, via KEP (Registered Electronic Mail) address, via mobile signature, via the electronic mail address available and recognized in the Company records.

Click here to access the KVKK Application Form.

Cookie Policy

Cookies are identification files that websites leave on your computer. They are used for websites to recognize you and offer you special services. There are two types of cookies according to their validity period. Temporary cookies are created when you visit the website and are active during the time you spend on the website. Temporary cookies are deleted from your computer when you leave the website. Persistent cookies are created when you visit the website and are stored on your computer until their validity period expires. Persistent cookies are created to create a customized experience for you the next time you visit the website.

In this context, the applications to be made to our Company "in writing" shall be made by printing out this form;